Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Lately I've been putting the top up to drive home at night. Gas is $3.50 a gallon down here in the Valley, and they say they're going to "PUT" gas, instead of get it. It cost me nearly 50 bucks to fill up the tank in my little VW, and some guy at work who's moving to DC tried to sell me his SUV tonight, promising a cheap deal. Do I look like I'm from fucking texas? I'd much rather use my pocket cash for beer guzzling than gas guzzling. I've slowed down on the California driving. I had to or I'd road rage into a frenzy. Everyone from the mid-fucking-west comes down here with their RV and stays in the left lane going 50 on the freeway. Somedays the RVs are three lanes wide and I growl "winter texans" as they make me late for work.

1 comment:

Spacegrass said...

Girl, in PGH gas is $3.68 and CLIMBING!!!

My vacation this year will consist of sitting in a kiddie pool with a box of wine.